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 Teaching: courses and classes 

I have been regularly teaching in drama schools and universities since 2008. I teach: 


  • movement theatre and actor training

  • Feldenkrais Method + its applications for actors

  • clowning, including Clown through Mask

  • the Neutral Mask + character mask 

  • writing/devising skills

  • devising shows with groups of students

  • directors how to work well with actors

Instituitions where I have regularly taught include:



  • Embodied Poetics, London

  • Central School of Speech and Drama

  • arthaus Berlin (formerly LISPA)

  • Guildford School of Acting

  • Mountview

  • Northampton University

  • London Metropolitan University

  • as part of the London International Mime Festival workshops programme


Contact: cjonathanyoung[at]  
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